Load ETOC faster than before

#Optimizing Your Table of Contents Load Time with ETOC

By default, the Table of Contents fetches its settings via AJAX, which, on occasion, might introduce a slight delay in its appearance as it retrieves live settings with each load.

For a swifter experience, consider enabling the 'Store Configuration in Cache' feature. This ensures that the ETOC loads concurrently with other content. How? It smartly caches the data locally, drawing from this local storage during page loads, resulting in a more immediate display.

Cache Settings

However, this approach might not always reflect the most recent setting changes. While ETOC will still send an AJAX request post-load to check for updates, if discrepancies are detected, the visitor will be prompted to refresh the page. A refresh ensures they experience the latest configurations. If not, rest assured, the updated settings will be seamlessly applied during their next visit.

Alert of Change Settings